WebIO Sales
Key Eleven WebIO sales are currently handled via PayPal.
Standard shipping is via USPS Priority Mail to USA addresses only.
For International and other shipping options see
Sales Options.
Sales and support is available from www.WebIO.us.
For product inqueries, sales and support please
contact us at Key Eleven.
In addition, it is recommended to view
before purchase.
WebIO Internet Server Version 4 |
The new WebIO Internet Server Version 4 will be available Q2 of 2010.
This version includes the features of WebIO version 2.2 plus
the ability to read from various wireless sensors for automation and notification.
WebIO v4 is setup to be the key component of your own
remote Internet monitor and control network.
This item does not include an X10 transceiver.
V4 supports TW523 compatible X10 transceivers such as the PSC05, XM10 and Powerlinc.
V4 also supports the Firecracker CM17a wireless X10 transmitter.
Note: WebIO version 4 does not have an LCD display.
This item does not include x10 modules or wireless sensors which can be purchase
seperatly here or at other on-line stores.
This item includes:
- WebIO Internet Server Version 4
- WebIO PC configuration and sensor monitor/notification software
- WebIO power supply
What you will need:
- Broadband Internet access via Ethernet RJ45 connection
- An X10 Transceiver (PowerLinc-2, TW523, XM10 or other compatible transceiver)
- Any additional X10 powerline modules
- Wireless X10 sensors and remotes
The WebIO Server includes a 30 day satisfaction guarantee.
It is recommeneded that customers have a basic knowledge of TCP/IP
networking and X10 automation. WebIO setup is simple for anyone
who can configure a home Internet router.

WebIO Internet Server Version 4
WebIO Server Version 4
SKU#: KE-4060
Price: $229.00 USD + $9.50 S&H
Currently out of stock (02/21/2012), Contact us for expected supply date.
The WebIO Kit #4 gets you started with Internet home automation
and home monitoring. This kit includes X10 powerline control, one
appliance module along with a wireless entry sensor, security remote and
a wireless motion sensor. At anytime you can add X10 modules,
wireless sensors and a relay expansion board to expand this kit to your needs.
Note: WebIO version 4 does not have an LCD display.
This item includes:
- WebIO Internet Server Version 4
- X10 powerline transceiver (PSC05)
- 1 - X10 appliance module
- 1 - Wireless entry sensor
- 1 - Wireless security remote
- 1 - Wireless motion sensor
- WebIO PC configuration and notification software
- WebIO power supply
What you will need:
- Broadband Internet access via Ethernet RJ45 connection
- Any additional X10 powerline modules
- Any additional wireless sensors and remotes
The WebIO Server includes a 30 day satisfaction guarantee.
It is recommeneded that customers have a basic knowledge of TCP/IP
networking and X10 automation. WebIO setup is simple for anyone
who can configure a home Internet router.

WebIO kit #4 Contents
WebIO Kit #4
SKU#: KE-4071
Price: $299.00 USD + $14.50 S&H
Currently out of stock (02/21/2012), Contact us for expected supply date.