WebIO History
Design started October 2000.
By January 27, 2001 the first Working prototype
was built.
WebIO Prototypes
These servers allow remote access to X10 devices, an LCD, and Hardwired IO.
HTTP interface to X10 Transmitter
First Working ProtoType (1-27-01)
Using Siteplayer Embedded WebServer and Basic Stamp 2sx
ProtoType Revision 2 (1-27-01):
ProtoType Revision 3 (2-3-01)
Replaced Basic Stamp with Pic 16F84a:
Web Server ProtoType 4 Development (6-23-01)
Added HTTP access to LCD,
Removed SitePlayer Development board,
Removed RS232 IC (74HC86),
Using small RJ45 board with magnetics.
Web Server ProtoType 4 (6-23-01)
Finished ProtoType Version 4:
Added HTTP access to LCD,
Removed SitePlayer Development board,
Removed RS232 IC (74HC86),
Using small RJ45 board with magnetics.
For reduced size the RJ45 board will be replaced
with an RJ45 connector with internal magnetics.
All mounted on nice scrap of redwood.
Prototype developed to a PCB: